Student Activities

Poultry Science Club

The Poultry Science Club is a service-based organization that is oriented toward serving the greater community and advocating for the poultry industry. Students interested in joining our organization are encouraged to attend meetings and participate in community projects such as Ag Day on the Drill Field and Shades of Starkville. Poultry Science club members are eligible to attend the Mississippi Poultry Association Annual Convention and the U.S. Poultry & Egg Association International Poultry Expo. Many networking opportunities are offered by the club by coordinating events with industry professionals to learn more about the opportunities in poultry. Each semester, the club hosts various meetings, cookouts, and events to engage with friends, faculty, and alumni from the industry.

Find the Poultry Science Club on Cowbell Connect

CALS Ambassadors

The CALS Ambassadors are a select group of students representing all departments within the college. Some examples of activities that Ambassadors participate in include the CALS Alumni Breakfast, on campus recruiting events, and CALS day.

Contact Emily Anthony for more information.

Collegiate FFA

Collegiate FFA is the student organization for persons interested in promoting agricultural education and the FFA. Students are involved in a variety of professional development activities, service projects, and leadership development opportunities. Members attend the National FFA Convention in Indianapolis, IN, judge federation and district FFA contests, and assist with State FFA Contest Day in April. People who have been a high school FFA member or who have an interest in promoting agricultural education are welcomed.

Find Collegiate FFA on Cowbell Connect.


MANRRS is a student organization dedicated to individuals involved in agricultural, natural resources, and related fields throughout all stages of career preparation and participation.

Find MANRRS on Cowbell Connect.

National Agri-Marketing Association

The National Agri-Marketing Association provides students with an opportunity to create, write, and present a marketing plan for an agricultural product or service. The students present their written and oral plans as part of a national competition at the NAMA National Conference each April where about 35 student chapters of NAMA come to compete. The MSU Student Chapter is sponsored by the Mid-South NAMA Chapter, which is the professional NAMA chapter located in Memphis.

Visit the Find National Agri-Marketing Association on Cowbell Connect.

Pre-Veterinary Club

The Pre-Veterinary Club provides pre-vet students the opportunity to become better acquainted with various phases of veterinary medicine, to keep the student informed of curriculum changes, to promote development of high ideals and professionalism among the pre-vet students and to promote fellowship among pre-vet students and faculty.

Visit the Pre-Veterinary Club website for more information


More Information

Student organizations provide an excellent opportunity to network with professionals and peers. There are numerous organizations that are available through the Department and the University.

Some of our great student activities include:

Crawfish Boil

Our Annual Crawfish boil is the event of the spring semester. This event brings students, faculty, alumni, and industry personnel together for an afternoon of socializing, networking, cornhole tournaments, and eating crawfish. For more information contact Rebecca Carr, email

Alumni and Friends Tailgate

The Alumni and Friends tailgate occurs every fall semester at an MSU home football game. Friends and alumni of our department get to meet and network with current students, faculty, and staff all while enjoying the fall weather, maroon and white spirit, great food, and football. For more information contact Rebecca Carr, email

MSU Collegiate Poultry Judging Team

Each semester, students are selected to represent MSU and compete at the National Collegiate Poultry Judging Contest. These students demonstrate impeccable poultry evaluation skills in market products (eggs and ready-to-cook carcasses) and live production birds (broilers, pullets, past-production hens, breed selection, and turkeys). Teams in the fall semester compete at the University of Arkansas at the National Collegiate Poultry Judging Contest and teams in the spring compete at the U.S. Poultry Foundation Ted Cameron National Poultry Judging Contest hosted here at Mississippi State University. For more information contact Dr. Kelley Wamsley, email: and Dr. Jessica Wells, email: